Traditional metrics such as revenue, productivity and profit tend to miss the mark. If they don't include customer experience and quality based aspects, e.g. Customer orders shipped correctly within N hours, then they are unlikely to drive improvement and sustainable growth of the enterprise.
This lesson is beginning to be learnt even in the area of Smart Cities where to date the focus has been more driven by what the technology could do and arbirary efficiency measures than providing better value to local residents.
However, Barcelona, one of Europe's leading cities for technology adoption, has started to put citizens first. In the words of Barcelona's CTO and Digital Commissioner, "we reversed the paradignm completely". Barcelona now puts citizens needs and policy objectives first. The city is also focusing on aligning data capture and information with these needs, for better informed decision making.
On the other side of the globe, in Adelaide, the CIO's team interviewed citizens and created an "emotional storyboard" to present to city leaders before agreeing objectives for their initiative.
At the same time, in America city administrations pursuing a Smart City approach have also learnt about the need to be collaborative as witnessed in recent comments from the CTO for Washington DC. "Being Collaborative is the hardest thing to do".
Whilst here in the UK, Huawei rates Bristol as the Leading City in Smart City implementation out of 20 assessed. Bristol's approach has been 3 pronged based on:
- Collaboration not just within the council but with partners and industry sectors;
- Community engagement to keep citizens central to the value of investments;
- Keeping it real so that value and savings are balanced, enabling further improvements.
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