Saturday, 8 September 2018

Agile CIOs

The ever changing role of the CIO is often subject to much debate. Opnionons vary from the challenge of "why do we need a CIO?" to "CIOs should be driving our innovation and vision".

 A recent article by McKinsey - How to Become an Agile CIO - is a typical example. The authors,  Santiago Comella-Dorda, Quentin Jadoul and Swati Lohiya, set out 3 main aspects of An Agile CIO's role:

  • Architect / Technology Visionary

  • Driver of Knowledge and Talent

  • Problem Solver

Whilst they are obviously part of the role, I think that they do miss the point in a number of areas. The first is that the CIO should be taking the llead in helping build a positive business culture which avoids blame, encourages collaboration and focusses risk appetite around continuous innovation. This requires a good focus on the soft aspects of Employee Engagement, as well as some on providing supporting tools.

The second is on uniting the Senior Management Team and their teams in building common understanding of each other's problems and shared opportunities, as the basic pre-requisite for developing an Integrated Product Team approach, in which each IPT addresses the requirements, design and enhancement of End-to-End product processes (whether there are internal or customer facing products).

The third issue is being the corporate consience on balanced performance and investment; Businesses which operate as teams tend to be the best at developing and exploiting digital business models and sustaining a Digital As Usual ethos. This does require balanced investment and commitment of resources so that the orgnisation can not only address new business opportunities, but also improve exisiting products, maintain capability and protect itself (and its customers).

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