Tuesday 12 December 2017

The Way of DAU - The best a business can be

Just to let you know, The Way of DAU is now available from Amazon as a paperback. (click on Amazon to see) and the e-version should be available soon. 

This is a deliberately simple book on the quite complex subject of how to adopt a sustainable digital business model. It was inspired by my personal frustration with incomplete models and advice available for Digital Business.

Digital operations have now replaced traditional Business As Usual business models. The Way of DAU promotes 10 basic principles, an iterative Framework (the DAF or Digital Adoption Framework), and positive cultural values to achieve the behaviours needed in successful digital businesses.

The book is based on a mixture of personal experience (in an organisation struggling to reinvent itself) as well as collected best practices. The current edition represents an MVP version. I hope to collect constructive feedback via a LinkedIn Group to drive future releases of the book. (see: The Way of DAU Group ).

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